Monday, September 19, 2005

A black man and his money.

A few years ago my cousin and myself were in a blockbuster store in the Atlanta area checking out movies to rent when we were continuously trailed by a field hand dressed in blue and yellow with khaki pants. My cousin was dreadlocks. I was very upset with the treatment and asked to see the head overseer who claimed we were seeing things. My cousin declared that indeed Atlanta was not the advertised promise land for black people but instead a slave colony.

Well I am no longer in Atlanta, and like in yonder years some other parts of the country seems to be on the lookout for run away slaves. At least it seems that way to me. Want to see how people look at you when you take the train as if you are about to mug them? You want to try getting a job? I mean who wants to hire a runaway slave? The thing that really gets me though is when I try to retrieve my money from the banking system, after all how can a slave have property?

Yesterday I went to lodge a paycheck and get back a paltry $20.00 as pocket change. The hired hand that was a brother wanted my social security number (branding). After fiddling around and playing James Bond in his own mind he wanted to see ID (free papers). I got vexed in the place yard style and asked him.” A wha yuh need ID fah”? I have done this transaction countless times and no one has asked me this in this bank. He was very nervous and could not compose himself to complete the transaction. A task, which normally took 30 seconds, took 15 minutes. A young lady had to help him.

Today different place, same drama. I went to the post office in Canal Street. There is a clerk who I like to go to because she is cool and helpful, however this morning I ended up before a, well just let me say another clerk. I wanted to purchase a money order. Instead of swiping my card she kinda flipped it and did some sleight of hand and then told me my card was not working. I was like, “What do you mean my card isn’t working”?

“Can you try again”? She claimed the machine would not allow trying twice. Well I told her she was a bold face liar. Anyway she let me go to my favorite clerk and in less than a minute I had concluded my business. Here was another hired hand trying to play detective.

I take comfort in all of this though. The bible says a fool and his money will soon parted. Seeing I can’t get rid of mine when it comes to these people, maybe I am wise after all.

Till we meet again

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bankers Hours

I am sitting here working overnight on one job, mentally preparing myself to go to another one. The old cliché, “Gotta do what you gotta do” thus takes on a realistic feeling. The forty (40) hour work week is a good concept, Monday to Friday 8am-4pm and 5pm if the boss man decides to throw in a lunch hour.

Frankly I honestly don’t believe that I could consistently go back to a 40 hour situation. After all there are 168 hours in a week. Working only 40 and spending the rest recreating, sleeping and procreating is really something to lull us into complacency. Now I am not saying we are to go out there and kill ourselves, but the people who employ us did not achieve what the did by working bankers hours. This begs the question,; Do bankers actually work bankers hours? Hmm!

Till next time


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Taking the train - What FEMA gotta do with it?

Hey, I am black African American, Jamaican born, whatever. Anyway I am a negro with a month long train pass. Well I had to renew my pass on last Saturday the 10th. Normally I pay with a debit card so I can get a receipt. Sounds easy doesn't it?

Easy? Not really, after 2 attempts I realised the machine was not working. One gentleman came to assist me, and proceeded to tell me my card was not working. Whatever man! I felt I had a better chance with his female counterpart; Was I wrong. She proceeded to berate me for not knowing that system wide the machines were not taking cards for a hold month.

"Can I be let through because the train is coming?"


I asked her why, she said I had to pay for a single ride. I proceeded to produce $2.00 to pay for a single ride. Well she told me the lowest I could purchase was $4.00. Mind you the machines were not taking any cash. Anyway I ended up having to split a card with some guy who was having a similar problem.

Two(2) behemoth's, the New York Transit and FEMA. Inflexible, non-functional, no soutions and inhibitors to progress and quick thinking. Its no wonder the similarities continue, FEMA leaving thousand stranded at a convention center, NY Transit leaving thousand stranded everyday.

Till next time


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Saga Continues

Well day one has been completed. I do not see this great change but I am feeling good. Remember yesterday I said I was going to turn over a new leaf and all that good stuff? Well I worked last night and I am crazy tired. I need my rest I deserve it.

It’s always good to have a job. Have you ever heard about the unemployment line been there, done that. That is not a nice line. Well I have a project to refurbish this PC; Will I get it done today? I haven’t a clue, will see what the day brings.

Anyway ciaou for now(Like that rhyme?)


Monday, September 12, 2005

Turning over a new leaf

Well changes, changes. Today I bought a scale. Do you care? Does anyone care? I don't know, I bought a scale anyway. I am trying to improve the way I treat my body. Not that I have any bad habits or anything, however there is always room for improvement.

I am going to be eating fruit(s) in the morning, Hmmm, even last night I ordered a book that deals with toxic cleansing and all that good stuff. I reviewed the book at Amazon but ooops, I bought it online from Overstock; nice place try it sometime. We will see how it goes. Anyway my scale says I am 202 lbs. I am 6' 2" tall so its kinda ok. The key word being kinda. For you metric people, sorry I cannot help you. I can convert it, but this is America, so as those teeny boppers say; Whatever!

Anyway, I am out, I have ate my banana, drank or is it drunk? my water. Its all good. I can actually feel my body fat falling off.

Till next time.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Katrina and all that stuff

The last week has been terrible for the people of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Apparently thousands of people may have died. Certain things were inevitable considering the severity of the storm. Of course it is being politicized by our "leaders". What a waste of human life, What a shame! People more concerned about careers, reputation, procedure as opposed to human lives.

A commission of inquiry will be an absolute waste of time. Why investigate the obvious? No one is going to be punished anyway. There will be only a lot of rancor and banter divided by party lines. Till next time.
