Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Taking the train - What FEMA gotta do with it?

Hey, I am black African American, Jamaican born, whatever. Anyway I am a negro with a month long train pass. Well I had to renew my pass on last Saturday the 10th. Normally I pay with a debit card so I can get a receipt. Sounds easy doesn't it?

Easy? Not really, after 2 attempts I realised the machine was not working. One gentleman came to assist me, and proceeded to tell me my card was not working. Whatever man! I felt I had a better chance with his female counterpart; Was I wrong. She proceeded to berate me for not knowing that system wide the machines were not taking cards for a hold month.

"Can I be let through because the train is coming?"


I asked her why, she said I had to pay for a single ride. I proceeded to produce $2.00 to pay for a single ride. Well she told me the lowest I could purchase was $4.00. Mind you the machines were not taking any cash. Anyway I ended up having to split a card with some guy who was having a similar problem.

Two(2) behemoth's, the New York Transit and FEMA. Inflexible, non-functional, no soutions and inhibitors to progress and quick thinking. Its no wonder the similarities continue, FEMA leaving thousand stranded at a convention center, NY Transit leaving thousand stranded everyday.

Till next time



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