Turning over a new leaf
Well changes, changes. Today I bought a scale. Do you care? Does anyone care? I don't know, I bought a scale anyway. I am trying to improve the way I treat my body. Not that I have any bad habits or anything, however there is always room for improvement.
I am going to be eating fruit(s) in the morning, Hmmm, even last night I ordered a book that deals with toxic cleansing and all that good stuff. I reviewed the book at Amazon but ooops, I bought it online from Overstock; nice place try it sometime. We will see how it goes. Anyway my scale says I am 202 lbs. I am 6' 2" tall so its kinda ok. The key word being kinda. For you metric people, sorry I cannot help you. I can convert it, but this is America, so as those teeny boppers say; Whatever!
Anyway, I am out, I have ate my banana, drank or is it drunk? my water. Its all good. I can actually feel my body fat falling off.
Till next time.
I am going to be eating fruit(s) in the morning, Hmmm, even last night I ordered a book that deals with toxic cleansing and all that good stuff. I reviewed the book at Amazon but ooops, I bought it online from Overstock; nice place try it sometime. We will see how it goes. Anyway my scale says I am 202 lbs. I am 6' 2" tall so its kinda ok. The key word being kinda. For you metric people, sorry I cannot help you. I can convert it, but this is America, so as those teeny boppers say; Whatever!
Anyway, I am out, I have ate my banana, drank or is it drunk? my water. Its all good. I can actually feel my body fat falling off.
Till next time.
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