Thursday, July 06, 2006

A short StoryEnjoy(It wont last long)

James closed the door to his basement apartment for one last time, well hopefully. "This is goodbye Brooklyn", he thought to himself. He realized however that life was unpredictable. after all eight years ago he had said the same thing and here he was again. Goodbye Brooklyn.

Brooklyn had been faithful to James, at least better to him than his ex wife. Eight years ago he had left here without as much as a warning, yet Brooklyn had taken him back with open arms. If the Borough of Brooklyn had been a woman he would have married her.

So he closed the door behind him in the middle of the night. After all how could he leave in broad daylight? He had to leave when Brooklyn was asleep. James had lived in other places, they had all started out with promise but had all fizzled and sent him packing.

Tears welled in his eyes as if leaving who loved him but whose love he was not willing to reciprocate. It was 1030pm. One week ago this time he was on his way to work, a job he no longer had because he has quit. He quit for no other reason than he had overstayed his time in this place.

"Boom," the roar of night time urban thunder reverberated through the Brooklyn night sky.. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," the old saying goes. Brooklyn was really acting up tonight, picking a fight with the heavens as its accomplice, starting a quarrel as if to say, "No way are you going to use me and leave me again." Sentiments aside, he had to ignore the objections being raised by this lovely place.

"Brooklyn I like you but there is someplace more exciting with more promise than you." He thought to himself.

"Boom," thunder roared through the night time sky again. "Objection," Brooklyn seemed to be saying. James however counted himself judge and jury and overruled this objection, in his own mind.

The small panel van he rented for his trip out of state was in full agreement with him as it started up instantaneously. He pulled out and made a right turn unto the thoroughfare around the corner from his house. Thunder, lightning and rain, now a police roadblock. Sister Brooklyn was pulling out all the stops to prevent him from leaving her. All along he had the impression Brooklyn was masculine because of its rugged reputation, but now she was like a jilted woman who was about to use the cops to stop him in his tracks. They were actually there to investigate an accident, but James was a little paranoid and taking it personal.

In a few minutes he was allowed to pull away from the accident scene. James was determined to leave and nothing was going to stop him. He had treated Brooklyn with respect while he was there, yes, honor love and respect. He had proven to be a good guy, a decent man which made him desirable, but he was also a man on a mission. He was not going to be denied. The policeman as if sensing his determination waved him through teh roadblock. The red light ahead would only be a temporary hindrance.

"Hello." He answered on his mobile phone. This was just what he wanted. For the past 2 months this young lady, Janice had been calling his phone requesting a date. James had told her countless times that he was not interested in her overtures. This Janice was as intent on being a nuisance as Brooklyn was in keeping him. James did not want to be rude to a lady, so instead of insulting her he told her he would call back, knowing full well that his phone would be cut off the next day; Assuming everything went as planned. He had met her while standing in line at a supermarket, they truck up a conversation and subsequently exchanged numbers. He had thought nothing of it at first until like clockwork she started calling every 2 weeks to "talk". This incessant calling escalated to "wanting to meet". In spite of all this he was always courteous. A man on a mission cannot be easily swayed or distracted. She was pretty, "Eye Candy" as they call it nowadays; but somewhere was a Blessing waiting on him. So he shut off his phone, one less potential distraction. He had never felt so wanted, so needed, but at this time that attention was unwelcome; Good for the ego but bad for his future.

It was not like he didn't know there would be resistance to him leaving, but sentiment had to be put aside. James pulled over the Brooklyn Bridge and headed towards the tunnel. In a few minutes he was out of New York and into New Jersey. He has researched his route and knew where he was going, just as he was sure about this new phase in his life.

For the next eighteen hours he drive within the confines of the law to his destination. James stopped only for gas and to stretch his legs every few hours. He was on a high, pumped up, excited. There really was no need for sleep. At about 830 pm he pulled into the driveway of his new home. This was a new start, genesis of a bright future. He came out, stretched, let out a big shout and ran into the arms of his Blessing.


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