Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Joka Smokas

Ever wonder about smokers? I mean come to think of it, they claim their rights are being eroded but they seem to have more rights than we do.

You try going to your job even on a hot summer day and going by the cooler and have a 5 minute conversation. Chances are you will be written up and reprimanded. Smokers? No way these guys have a 15 minute break everytime they decide to take a puff, and ho scolds them? No one. I once worked at a place and I wanted equal rights and justice so I decided to hang and talk with the smokers no less. Of course my boss gave me good tounge lashing.

Things get worse if the boss is a smoker also well better for the smokers. You this is where they plot and scheme 8 times per day, 15 minutes at a time about promotions, pay raises an dplots against the innocent. Two whole hours of conference smoking per day. This same place I worked at there was a guy who pretty much chained smoked all day when we should be working on projects. He would then leave work at 6 and the boss would praise him for working late.

Why are smokers never accused of starting global warmimg?
I don't know but what I do know is that smokers on the average earn more than you and I do.
How else could they afford that habit?

Anyway thats enough for now, I have to run before my joker smoker boss kicks me in da Butt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate it too when they talk equal right and spend half their daily working time smoking.

But hey its a free world, if you cant beat them Join them

July 20, 2006  

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